FRAMED Visualisation Studio Work

Archbone Furniture Catalogue
Bedroom Collection 2019
We were appointed by Archbone, a furniture design and manufacturing company based in Thessaloniki, Greece, to work together on their new furniture catalogue for 2019 and we were delighted to be part of this process given that it was a new type of project for our studio.
Since we are heavily involved into Interior Design 3D Visualisation we thought that this would be a great way of showcasing our lighting, material and rendering techniques in a unique manner that would help the viewer focus more on the individual items which were to be included in the catalogue.
Along the way we found out that this project would be quite challenging especially when it comes to handling lighting in order to shape the overall mood of the scenes.
We realised that it is a completely different scenario to work with very few items in comparison to larger interior scenes where the focus is more to the overall atmosphere in the space rather than the FF&E items themselves.
We did some research on real life furniture studio photography and the techniques being used to bring those items to life. It proved that actually we had to use some additional fake light sources to emphasise the furniture and aspects of the architectural shell as well.
What was also very important for us was the choice of materials, the different architectural details and decoration which was handpicked to complement those bespoke items.